PyCon India 2019

Yaaaaa!!!! it was my first PyCon India. One day I was chatting to Sayan and suddenly he told me that start saving some money from now and attend the pycon India this year. I had never been any kind of conference ever before so I was bit hesitated about this conference but Sayan and other folks from dgplug guided me a lot. I started my journey with my dad from Kolkata on 10th October and reached Chennai on 11th.

Day 0

On 12th October I left for the conference. When I reached the conference I saw sourabh, Pravar and Rayan there and talked with them. After that I got my attendee card then went for the breakfast and while eating I met some people and talked with them like Vijay, Noah later I proceeded to the conference. After that I attended the Jake VanderPlas’s keynote. After that I was going to various sponsors booth to collect the goodies :p. After that I went for Pradyun’s talk Python Packaging – where we are and where we’re headed. He described how packaging works with pip and how they are planning to move ahead.
I met many of the faces whom I used to know on IRC/Twitter only. Later me and Sayan explored the Poster Session. It was really exciting and my first day of the conference was over. After the conference me and some other folks went for visiting the Palavakkam Beach and spent some good time there.

goodies & swags 😉

Day 1

On 13th it started with keynote by Ines Montani. After that there was annual DGPLUG staircase meeting. Sayan conducted the meeting and we all introduced our self to each other and discussed about what went wrong to this year’s summer training. We also discussed about the tasks given by Sayan this year. After finishing the lunch we also solved some word puzzles and coding questions to get the t-shirts and swags. The conference ended with David Beazley keynote and he live coded a stack machine, wrote an interpreter for Web Assembly game that was initially written for Rust in Python and in the end added PyGame to make it into an actual game. I was amazed after seeing it. The keynote ended with standing ovation from all the people in the hall. After the conference we went for DGPLUG dinner and spent some good time with other folks and had our dinner there.

DGPLUG group

Day 2

On 14th(my birthday :p) morning I left for IIT Madras Research Park and in the morning there was my workshop on docker. After finishing the workshop I joined devsprint. There was lots of mentors conducting the devsprint and from that I choosed to join the Python Packaging Sprint which was conducted by Pradyun. It was my first devsprint and I didn’t even know anything about it but Pradyun helped me a lot understand the issue and what should be my approach to solve that. after the devsprint we went for dinner again. On that day most of my friends were returning so it was time to say goodbye to them 🙂

day 3

On 15th again there was devsprint happening there and I was solving an issue in pip and Pradyun was helping me regarding that issue. Besides devsprint me and Sourabh was discussing about some security stuff. After the devsprint I talked with other people.

After the devsprint


Pycon India has gave me the opportunity to communicate and meet people from all across the world as well as different background. I got to know about lots of new technologies and other technical stuff. I made lots of new friends there and I returned home with some great memories with me 🙂 . If I go next year then I would like to be a volunteer there.

Learning python3

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

I started learning python back in 2017 and since then I am still learning it and using it and almost everyday I write some python code. Python is an interpreter based language, you can write the code directly in the interpreter or in a separate file(extension is .py) and run it.

Using the interpreter

Fire up your terminal and type python3. And you will see something like this below code snippet.

$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 14 2019, 11:02:34) 
[GCC 8.0.1 20180414 (experimental) [trunk revision 259383]] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Now we are going to print “Hello World!” using the interpreter.

>>> print("Hello World!")
Hello World!

Using a source file

Create a file called and enter the following text:

print("Hello World!")

We can run this file by python3 command.

$ python3 
Hello World!

Whitespaces and indentation

Language like c/c++ use pair of curly brackets to divide different identifiers. In the python it uses indentation for that. The whitespaces at the beginning of the line is known as indentation. If you give wrong whitespaces then it will give you errors. Python use 4 whitespaces for a single indentation. Below there is an example.

>>> a = "Aniruddha"
>>>  b = "Basak"
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    b = "Basak"
IndentationError: unexpected indent


Comment is a line in python that will start with # and the interpreter of python will just ignores the lines. You can write anything here to describe your code.

>>> # This is a comment
>>> # The next line will multiply two numbers
>>> a = 12 * 34
>>> print(a) # Printing the value of a

If your description is long then it is recommended that you use multiline comments. There is two options for that.

# This is option 1
# Multiline comment
This is option 2
Multiline comment


The reason why python is loved by so many people is it gives so many modules to work on almost everything you can imagine. Basically modules are python files that contains different functions classes and variable that you can reuse.

>>> import os
>>> print(

Keywords and Identifiers

Below the following identifiers are main keywords of python. They must exactly types as it is.

False      class      finally    is         return
None       continue   for        lambda     try
True       def        from       nonlocal   while
and        del        global     not        with
as         elif       if         or         yield
assert     else       import     pass
break      except     in         raise

Variables and Datatypes

In python we don’t specify the type of the variable while declaring it.If we declare a = 1 then a will become an integer type and if we define b = "Hii" then b will become an string type variable.

>>> a = "Hi "
>>> b = "how you doing?"
>>> a + b
'Hi how you doing?'

Taking input from keyboard

We can take input from users while executing the program. We can use the input() function given by python for this. Let’s see an example of taking input from user.

number = int(input("Enter number: "))

Here is the result –

$ python3 
Enter number: 25

Operators and Expressions

Python language supports the following types of operators.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison (Relational) Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Membership Operators
  • Identity Operators

Arithmetic operator:

It is used to perform common mathematical operations.

>>> a = 2
>>> b = 4
>>> a + b
>>> a - b
>>> a * b
>>> a / b
>>> a % b
>>> a ** b
>>> a // b

Comparison operator:

It is used for comparing two values and returns either True or False.

>>> a = 2
>>> b = 4
>>> a == b
>>> a != b
>>> a > b
>>> a < b
>>> a >= b
>>> a <= b

Assignment operator:

This operator is used to assign values to some variable.

>>> x = 5
>>> x += 5
>>> x -= 5
>>> x *= 5
>>> x /= 5

Logical operators:

Logical operators are the and, or, not operators.

>>> x = True
>>> y = False
>>> print('x and y is ', x and y)
x and y is  False
>>> print('x or y is', x or y)
x or y is True
>>> print('not x is', not x)
not x is False

Bitwise operators:

Bitwise operator works on bits and performs bit by bit operation. Assume if a = 60 and b = 13. Now in binary format they will be as follows –

>>> a = 60
>>> b = 30
>>> a & b
>>> a | b
>>> a ^ b
>>> ~a
>>> a >> 2
>>> a << 2

Membership Operators:

Python’s membership operators test for membership in a sequence, such as strings, lists, or tuples. There are two membership operators as explained below −

a = 'Hello World'
print('H' in a)

Identity Operator:

Identity operators compare the memory locations of two objects. There are two Identity operators explained below −

>>> a = 5
>>> b = 5
>>> c = 10
>>> print(a is not b)
>>> print(a is b)
>>> print(a is c)

DGPLUG, more than a summer training

So, DGPLUG(Durgapur Linux Users Group) is a group where they provide free training to people who wanted to start contributing to FOSS. It is not only a group of Durgapur but it is a now international group. In this blog I am not going to tell you about how and what they teach in their summer training because I haven’t take their summer training yet this yearn I am going to take that but I am going to tell you something more than that like how a community helps to push you to the next level. Their motto is “শেখ এবং শেখাও” it’s a Bengali word meaning is “Learn and teach”.

So, on a regular Sunday I was checking Quora answers and suddenly one of Sayan’s answer written that he had started his journey of open source from DGPLUG and I pinged him on messenger that what is this DGPLUG. He said it is a Linux users group of Durgapur and they provide a summer training every year and you can join it on #dgplug on freenode. On the next day I joined the group and there was going some upstream project discussion and I was quite hesitated to say something and I privately messaged Kushal Das who is the founder of this group. I gave my introduction like who I am and which project I am contributing. He welcomed me and said you should tell this in the group so that everyone can know you. Then I started conversation with a “Hi” and gave my introduction and suddenly some folks welcomed me in this group and I was amazed that how this DGPLUG community is so good and welcoming to a new person and after that I never hesitated to ask any question in this group.

But it is not enough there is a lot more than that, after couple of weeks I made some good friends over there like Kushal, Nabarun, Sourabh and one who regularly comment on my blogs Jason. After that when I stuck any problem I ask their and I know their is somebody at least who is going to help to solve that problem. And now the most important thing what I have learnt from this group is “How to build better network”, “Not to private messaged anyone”, “Read everyday to increase your knowledge”, “Write what you have learnt”.

Thank you 🙂